Master the Best ARAM Brand Build: Dominate Patch 14.24 with Proven Strategies

Best ARAM Brand Build Guide for Patch 14.24 – Pro Strategies
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ARAM (All Random All Mid) is a fast-paced game mode in League of Legends where champion builds play a crucial role in securing victory. For Brand, a powerful mage known for his AoE damage and crowd control, optimizing the best ARAM Brand build can mean the difference between a win and a frustrating defeat.

In Patch 14.24, the lol ARAM builds meta has shifted, making it essential to understand the best itemization, runes, and playstyle to maximize Brand ARAM build effectiveness. Players often struggle to find the optimal Brand build ARAM, leading to suboptimal damage output and poor teamfight execution. This ARAM guide will provide you with a step-by-step breakdown of the best strategies, including core items, runes, summoner spells, and advanced tactics to ensure you dominate the battlefield.

By the end of this guide, you’ll have an expert-level understanding of how to master ARAM builds with Brand ARAM, ensuring that your performance in Patch 14.24 is at its peak. Let’s get started!

Understanding the ARAM Game Mode and Its Impact on Brand

What Makes ARAM Unique?

Unlike Summoner’s Rift, ARAM features a single-lane map with random champion selection, limiting strategic flexibility but emphasizing team synergy and fast-paced action. In this game mode:

  • There is no laning phase, meaning fights break out almost immediately.
  • Healing from fountains is disabled, making sustain and poke damage crucial.
  • Gold income is increased, allowing for faster item builds.

Why Is Brand Strong in ARAM?

Brand ARAM build thrives in ARAM builds due to:

  1. High AoE damage – His abilities hit multiple enemies, making him a threat in clustered fights.
  2. Strong poke potential – His long-range spells can harass enemies before engagements.
  3. Ability to apply Grievous Wounds – His passive burns enemies over time, countering healing-heavy compositions.

However, Brand build ARAM also has weaknesses:

  • Lack of mobility – Without Flash or defensive items, Brand is vulnerable to assassins.
  • Mana-hungry early game – Proper itemization is needed to sustain mana costs.

Understanding these strengths and weaknesses will help tailor the best ARAM Brand build for success.

Core Items for the Best ARAM Brand Build

Must-Have Core Items

ItemEffectWhy It’s Important for Brand
Liandry’s AnguishBonus magic damage over timeMaximizes Brand ARAM build burn damage
Rylai’s Crystal ScepterApplies slow on spell hitsEnhances crowd control for lol ARAM builds
ShadowflameIncreases burst damageCounters enemies stacking magic resist
MorellonomiconInflicts Grievous WoundsEssential against heal-heavy teams in ARAM builds

Alternative Item Choices

Depending on the enemy team, consider these situational items:

  • Seraph’s Embrace – Provides mana sustain for extended fights.
  • Zhonya’s Hourglass – Grants invulnerability against assassins.
  • Void Staff – Counters tanks stacking magic resist.

Selecting the right Brand build ARAM items will drastically improve damage output and survivability.

Optimal Runes for Your ARAM Brand Build

Best Rune Setup for Brand

Rune PathRune ChoiceWhy It’s Good
Primary – DominationDark HarvestStacks bonus damage on low-health enemies
Cheap ShotIncreases damage against CC’d targets
Eyeball CollectionBoosts AP damage over time
Ultimate HunterReduces Pyroclasm cooldown
Secondary – SorceryManaflow BandHelps with mana regeneration
ScorchAdds extra burn damage

Alternative Rune Choices

If you want more survivability:

  • Electrocute – For a burst-damage playstyle.
  • Bone Plating – Reduces incoming burst damage.

Using the right rune setup will optimize the ARAM Brand build, maximizing efficiency in every match.

Summoner Spells for Maximum Impact

Best Summoner Spell Choices

The ideal summoner spells for Brand ARAM build are:

  • Flash – Provides necessary mobility to escape or reposition.
  • Clarity – Restores mana for extended fights.

Alternative Spell Choices

Depending on team composition, you can also use:

  • Ignite – Counters healing-heavy compositions.
  • Exhaust – Reduces enemy damage, helping against assassins.

Proper summoner spell selection is key to ensuring success with lol ARAM builds.

Early-Game Strategies for Brand in ARAM

Leveling Up Abilities Efficiently

The recommended skill order for Brand build ARAM:

  1. Max W (Pillar of Flame) first – It provides the best poke damage.
  2. Max Q (Sear) second – Helps with stuns and crowd control.
  3. Max E (Conflagration) last – Spreads burn effects efficiently.

Early-Game Positioning and Poke Tactics

  • Use W to poke from a safe distance.
  • Conserve mana early on to avoid running out before fights.
  • Wait for enemies to group before using E to maximize burn effects.

Mid-to-Late Game Tactics for Brand in ARAM

Managing Team Fights

  • Stay behind frontline tanks to avoid getting targeted first.
  • Use your passive to apply Grievous Wounds against sustain-heavy enemies.
  • Cast ultimate (Pyroclasm) when enemies are grouped to deal maximum damage.

Item Adjustments in the Late Game

  • If enemies build magic resist, buy Void Staff.
  • If enemy ADCs are fed, prioritize Zhonya’s Hourglass for survival.

Advanced Teamfight Strategies for Brand in ARAM

Positioning in Teamfights

Proper positioning is the difference between carrying the game and getting deleted in seconds. Here’s how to position optimally:

  • Stay at the edge of fights – Brand is a poke and AoE damage dealer, not a frontline tank.
  • Use walls for safety – Stand near obstacles to minimize incoming skill shots.
  • Watch enemy cooldowns – Wait for enemy crowd control abilities (like Malphite’s R or Blitzcrank’s Q) to be used before stepping forward.

Ability Usage for Maximum Damage

Executing your combo correctly in fights maximizes your impact:

  1. Start with E (Conflagration) to spread your passive burn.
  2. Use Q (Sear) to stun a target if they are already burning.
  3. Cast W (Pillar of Flame) right after for max AoE damage.
  4. Drop R (Pyroclasm) when enemies are grouped to get multiple bounces.

When to Engage and When to Hold Back

  • Engage aggressively when enemies are grouped – Your Pyroclasm (R) is strongest when enemies are close together.
  • Wait for tanks to engage first – If you step forward too early, you’ll be the first target.
  • Spam abilities in poke phases – Your W and E should be constantly chipping down enemies before a big fight starts.

Common Mistakes Brand Players Make in ARAM

1. Running Out of Mana Too Quickly

One of Brand’s biggest issues in ARAM is running out of mana early. To avoid this:
Use Manaflow Band in your rune setup.
Buy Lost Chapter early for mana sustain.
Use abilities efficiently instead of spamming on full-health enemies.

2. Overextending and Dying First

Brand lacks mobility, so if you’re too far forward, you’re an easy target for assassins and divers.
Stay behind tanks and let frontline engage first.
Use Rylai’s slow to kite enemies instead of standing still.

3. Wasting Ultimate at the Wrong Time

Brand’s R (Pyroclasm) is one of the most powerful teamfight ultimates in ARAM. Many players waste it on single targets or when enemies can dodge it easily.
Cast Pyroclasm only when enemies are grouped together so it bounces for maximum damage.
Avoid ulting champions with spell shields (e.g., Sivir, Morgana) unless their shield is down.

Countering Common Threats to Brand in ARAM

Assassins (Zed, Talon, Katarina)

  • Zhonya’s Hourglass is your best friend against assassins.
  • Stay near your team so you aren’t isolated.
  • Use Exhaust instead of Ignite if assassins are a big threat.

Tanks with High Magic Resist (Mundo, Galio, Maokai)

  • Buy Void Staff to penetrate their resistances.
  • Use Morellonomicon to apply Grievous Wounds and cut healing.

Long-Range Poke Champions (Xerath, Lux, Ziggs)

  • Dodge skill shots by standing behind minions.
  • Buy Banshee’s Veil if enemy poke is overwhelming.

Advanced Tips to Master Brand in ARAM

1. Use Minions to Spread Your Passive

Brand’s E (Conflagration) spreads to nearby targets. If enemies are hiding behind minions, hit a low-health minion with E to spread your passive burn onto them.

2. Chain Crowd Control for Team Kills

If your team has crowd control abilities (like Amumu’s Q, Leona’s E, or Morgana’s Q), follow up with your Q (Sear) for a stun to keep enemies locked down longer.

3. Use Fog of War to Surprise Enemies

Hiding in the bushes on the side of the map lets you land surprise combos before enemies react.

 Best Items & Runes for the ARAM Brand Build in LoL ARAM

Final Build for Best ARAM Brand Build in Patch 14.24

Core Build

  1. Liandry’s AnguishMaximize burn damage.
  2. Rylai’s Crystal ScepterSlow enemies for easier combos.
  3. MorellonomiconApply Grievous Wounds against healers.
  4. ShadowflameBoost burst damage.
  5. Void StaffCounter magic resist.
  6. Zhonya’s HourglassSurvivability against assassins.

Best Rune Setup

Primary: DominationSecondary: Sorcery
Dark HarvestManaflow Band
Cheap ShotScorch
Eyeball Collection
Ultimate Hunter

Conclusion – Why This ARAM Brand Build Works

By following this guide, you will:
Maximize damage output using optimal itemization and runes.
Dominate teamfights with correct positioning and ability usage.
Counter common threats like assassins, tanks, and poke champions.

Master this build and you’ll consistently carry games as Brand in ARAM!

Warnings & Advice for Playing Brand in ARAM
  1. Brand is squishy – You have no mobility, so if you misposition, you will get deleted quickly.
  2. Mana issues early on – Spamming abilities without Manaflow Band or Lost Chapter will leave you out of mana fast.
  3. Overcommitting to fights – If you chase enemies too deep, you’ll be caught and killed easily.
  4. Misusing Pyroclasm (R) – If you use it when enemies are spread out, it won’t bounce effectively and will deal less damage.
  5. Ignoring magic resist items – If the enemy builds MR (e.g., Spirit Visage, Force of Nature), you need Void Staff to stay relevant.

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Advice for Success:
  • Stay behind your tanks – Always position yourself at the backline for maximum safety.
  • Use E (Conflagration) on minions to spread burn to nearby enemies.
  • Save your Q (Sear) to stun priority targets rather than using it randomly.
  • Poke constantly with W (Pillar of Flame) before engaging in full fights.
  • Build defensive items when needed – If assassins are a problem, rush Zhonya’s Hourglass.
  • Play smart with your ultimate – Wait for enemies to group up before using R (Pyroclasm) for max bounces.

By following this advice and avoiding common mistakes, you’ll maximize Brand’s damage and become a game-changing force in ARAM.

FAQs About Brand in ARAM

Q1. What’s the best item for Brand in ARAM?

Liandry’s Anguish is the best first item because it synergizes with Brand’s burn damage.

Q2. How do I survive against assassins?

Buy Zhonya’s Hourglass, position safely, and stay near your teammates for protection.

Q3. Should I build Morellonomicon in every game?

Only if the enemy team has healers like Soraka, Sona, or Dr. Mundo. Otherwise, prioritize damage items.

Q4. What’s the best strategy for teamfights?

Wait for enemies to group up, spread passive burn with E, then land a Q stun and finish with R (Pyroclasm).

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